

Interview With Sharlee D’Angelo of Arch Enemy

It wasn’t really an overnight success... it was an "overdecade" success.  As part of our coverage of the Dokk'em Festival in the Netherlands we met...

Obituary Interview

As part of our coverage of the great Dokk’em Festival in the Netherlands, Metal Blast sat down with Trevor Peres, guitar player of the legendary...

Kraanium Interview

"We took our time with this one, making sure not to stress too much about it.  We knew that our sound would naturally progress to what came out on the record."

Jon Oliva Interview

"Savatage was never about the money, and neither is JOP...It's about the love of playing and for the people and playing the songs"

Church of Misery Interview

"Don't think! FEEL!"

Ihsahn Interview

"Black metal, in essence, is about doing your own thing, what you yourself feel is right. But it’s quickly turned into conformity and rules about what you should and should not do."

Kontrust Interview

"Everyone of us has a different style, so everybody brings their own influence"

Bible of the Devil [Nathan Perry] Interview

"I don’t think we’ve ever fit into a scene and I don’t think a scene has ever passed us by on this. We’ve just kind of been existing in this world for a while and people are aware of what we’re doing here and you like it or have no interest in it."

Alcest (Neige) Interview

"I think reality is always subjective, and we don't know what is for real apart from the fact [that] we see it with our eyes, we smell it, touch it, but we don't know more."


Cardi B, Moral Panics, and Censorship

Inexplicably, fighting over Cardi B's new song "WAP" is the hill that many people have decided to die on, with some defending it...

The BLM Boycott of Marduk

If you haven't watched our video on this topic, please do so. You can find all the references and sources for that video in...

Singing From Evil’s Perspective

As the western world comes to terms with some of its foundational horrors, should we give up on those stories?