Patriarchal Death Machine – Yes


“We have a racist Government that is controlling the lives of indigenous peoples in the Northern Territory.  You need to be aware of the lies that exist, and the lies that are continuing.  You can’t apologize on one hand, and maintain racist laws on the other.”

Those are words of truth being spoken in “A Vulgar Display Of Brute Force, Ignorance And Colonial Imperialism.”  Quite a mouthful, I know, but these blokes from Adelaide, South Australia are not ones for mincing words with their brand of hardcore punk rock.  Patriarchal Death Machine are in the business of pumping out socially-and-politically aware tunes that are ridiculously catchy and energetic.  Seeing bands like this crop up in a place like Australia is nice, because if you do some research on the politics in Australia they are basically the little brother of the United States when it comes to soul-shattering racism, and P.D.M. wants that to no longer be the truth.

With quick bursts of visceral punk rock and lyrics that are akin to a social revolution, P.D.M. deliver their message in a very effective manner musically, and their song-titles reflect exactly what they are advocating, such as “Yes, I Will Continue To Mask Myself And Indulge In Molotov Cocktails For As Long As I Can See Clubs, Shields And Tear Gas,” “Don’t Try To Make Me Kiss Your Cronulla Cape Because I’ll Tear It From Your Shoulders And Shove It So Far Down Your Throat That You’ll Choke,” and “The Party At Skycity Will Fucking End.”  What’s really interesting to me is that sometimes P.D.M. will sometimes go into these spastic sections, almost proceeding into Cephalic Carnage-esque grindcore, which really helps the record keep you engaged.  I have been enjoying the hell out of “Yes!” since I got it over a year ago, and it’s about damn time I let you people in on the secret of Patriarchal Death Machine.  If you want really energetic and political-activist hardcore punk, then look no further.

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Having grown up in the vast industrial wasteland known as Detroit, my sister subjected me to multiple albums by bands such as Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, and Exodus, I quickly became immersed in the world of heavy metal for life. Even with my love of the tradition styles of metal, I always found myself craving something louder and heavier, thus bringing me to the much more extreme side of this genre of music. With classic bands such as Dismember, Autopsy, and Napalm Death always dominating my stereo system, I felt content to dig as deep as possible into the depths of ghastly heavy metal, and all these years later I still haven’t hit the bottom.
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