My Wooden Pillow – Uncomfortable


MWP are an interesting beast. They play an interesting brand of melodic death metal that immediately brings to mind the likes of Arch Enemy and In Flames (although with less technical adornments) that, also seems to appeal to some rock sensibilities.

The bands owes a lot to the work of singer Michelle Adamson, whose versatility at the microphone really make for an interesting listening. While her growls can easily compete with Angela Gossow, her clean singing is reminiscent of Cristina Scabbia of Lacuna Coil or Ji-In Cho of Krypteria, demonstrating that she has the skill-set required to compete on the big leagues.

While a big chunk of this EP stays in the melodic death metal territory, its chorus-driven tracks and the use of clean vocals give the EP the ability to appeal to a wider section of the audience. Thankfully, MWP did not take the easy road and just use the already overused combination of clean and growling vocals as a recipe for a metalcore release. It’s definitely nice to listen to a singer that moves from extreme to extreme without having to go through breakdown after breakdown.

MWP definitely have a lot of potential in them, and I for one can’t wait to see what they’ll come up with next.

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