Krasseville – Nous Sommes Faux


It is not unusual for bands to be slapped with numerous genre labels simply because they display slight influences from a broad spectrum of music. That’s how we end up with stoner sludge post-modern ambient country acts. Krasseville, on the other hand, deserve their label of folk pop rock and wear it with pride.

For a ten song album, Nous Sommes Faux is incredibly short, clocking in at 28 minutes total. The clean and lean approach works in the band’s favour as it allows them to flow through their ideas with ease without losing their audience. They focus mostly on the instrumentals, with occasional smoky, borderline spoken word vocals making the band’s discipline in crafting a slim and sleek performance even more commendable.

Krasseville not only manage to jump over the pitfall of bloated instrumental performances, but they also convey a strong mood and tone that conjures up legitimate emotion. The layered sections of folk string instruments combined with electronic pop elements produce the image of a steampunk bazaar from the eighteenth century. I know there were no steampunk bazaars back then, but that’s what Krasseville create; an impossibility. Most importantly, this oddball mixture is wrapped in a tight and concise performance that allows its strange concepts to shine through.

The strength in Nous Sommes Faux lies in the originality and discipline exercised in its creation. Krasseville have a strong command over the elements and techniques they employ in their work,  which is impressive for a relatively new act. While they may not be metal by any standards, they are worth checking out for anyone with an interest in the alternative.

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Presiding over the frozen tundra of Ontario atop his mighty polar bear of war, Steve seeks out the metal that he claims, “has a sweet groove, dude.” His musical tastes were raised by his father upon the likes of Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, and Dio, but it wasn’t long before he began tuning his ears to darker and stranger avenues. Finding solace within the domains of prog, stoner, and power metal, he continues to make expeditions into genres unexplored, delving into their history while keeping an eye peeled on the horizon for rising stars.