GIÖBIA – Plasmatic Idol






Psychedelic rock can be difficult to listen to, let alone talk about. It’s not that it’s a bad genre (I personally enjoy it a lot) but rather that it is difficult to adequately convey what the record contains. Largely devoid of memorable solos or straightforward vocals, psychedelic albums have instead to be described based on their potential to take our minds into interesting directions. In this, their second album, GIÖBIA give us the opportunity to go on this journey, assuming you’re willing to give them your undivided attention.

GIÖBIA live in the same realm as My Sleeping Karma, although placing a much larger emphasis on synthesizers instead of guitars. Of course, it’s not that guitars and drums are absent, but rather that they take a back seat in creating the album’s ambiance. Even in songs like “Heart of Stone,” where guitars and drums are more noticeable, it is the synthesizers that are really behind the song’s power to draw you in. The same can be said of the clever use given to them in “Haridwar” and “The Mirror House,” and which brought back memories of classics by Styx and Iron Butterfly, proudly displaying the influences that shaped the band’s music.

The biggest challenge for the the album is that it is so good at creating a spacey atmosphere, that those not paying close attention might easily dismiss it as just background music. While used like that it will certainly be pleasant (though confusing by those not accustomed to the genre), it will lose a lot of its power. Indeed, the potential of Plasmatic Idol to take your mind on this journey is dependent on your willingness to devote yourself to the music. It is only when you put on your headphones, close your eyes, and allow your mind to wonder as it takes in the music, that you will really discover what Plasmatic Idol has to offer. Believe me, it’s worth it.

GIÖBIA – Plasmatic Idol
If you're willing to pay attention, this album can really take you places.
Reader Rating0 Votes
Excellent use of synthesizers to create the mood
It's psychedelic qualities border on hallucinogenic
Questionable replay value
Some of the songs are longer than they need be
J Salmeron
J Salmeron
Lawyer. Civil Libertarian. Published photographer and writer. Passionate about Free Speech, IP, and Heavy Metal. Guilty of thought crimes.
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