

Pants are Optional: An Interview with Karl Sanders from Nile

Karl Sanders is a genuinely awesome guy. I met him for the first time a few years ago at the Bloodstock Festival, and interviewing him was...

Staying Crazy – An Interview with Markus of Helloween

Being called genre-defining is just par of the course for Helloween. Since the release of their debut Walls of Jericho back in 1985, they have been consistently shaping speed and power...

Always Changing: An Interview with Leprous

"Progressive" is often a catch-all term used to refer to music that defies conventions. If it's hard to label, then calling it "prog" is the mental...

A Sacred Mind: An Interview with Blind Guardian’s Hansi Kürsch

It's not secret that I'm a big fan of J.R.R. Tolkien, so being a fan of Blind Guardian was simply a natural thing for me. Then again,...

Enter Ratkind: An Interview With Marco Hietala

Marco Hietala's entrance into Nightwish, before the release of their critically acclaimed 2002 album Century Child, was a turning point for the band. His...

Raise the Blind: An Interview with Floor Jansen

Having followed the career of Nightwish since the release of their 2002 album Century Child, I'm aware of the challenges involved in fronting such...

The Faceless Messenger: An Interview with Vicky Psarakis of The Agonist

It's never easy to replace a singer. Ask Blaze Bayley about trying to replace Bruce Dickinson, or Anette Olzon about trying to replace Tarja...

Apex Predators: An Interview with Barney Greenway of Napalm Death

Since the last time I met with Barney, right before the release of Utilitarian, I had been looking forward to an opportunity to do...

Facing Everything: An Interview with Papa Roach

Despite what some might believe, I wasn't born the sad and hateful old man that I am today; there was actually a time when...

Desert Punk: An Interview with Brant Bjork

In the early 1990's, music critics declared that heavy metal was dead and that it had been replaced by alternative rock and grunge. At that time all...


Satan, Twerking, and The Fight for the Soul of America

Lil Nas X' latest song is the new theater in the pointless Culture Wars for the so-called "soul of America". And while it is fun to mock those fundamentalists who rally against its supposed "Satanism", we should also remember that their offense is real, and that they are acting in accordance to their beliefs. The issue is that we shouldn't care.

The Fall of Jon Schaffer

A investigative report on Jon's radicalization