ANTIFAS Cancel Marduk… And Some Crazy Stuff


First of all, thank you very much for the overwhelming support that we got on our piece about the ANTIFA and BLM attack against Marduk. We’re really humbled by the very kind words, and for the very thoughtful comments that most of you left. I sincerely hope that you’ll stick around for more.

As some of you probably know by now, the concert in Oakland, California, and which I mentioned was already being targeted by ANTIFA groups, was cancelled at the request of the local police. Based on the same arguments that we debunked in our last article, the local ANTIFA groups were threatening to protest the show in a way that the local police felt could represent a risk to the local community.

In regards to the cancellation, the Oakland Metro Operahouse, the venue where the concert was going to be held, published the following in their now-defunct Facebook page:

Without actually examining the evidence of these threats, and determining exactly how serious they were, it is difficult to know whether the police acted correctly or if they acted over-zealously at the behest of the ANTIFA provocateurs. Of course, if there are credible threats of violence, it is understandable to cancel an event in order to prevent unnecessary loss of life. Sadly, most of the people involved in this cancellation have remained tight-lipped as to what exactly happened, and thus give plenty of room for speculation. We tried repeatedly to get in touch with the Oakland Police Department and the Oakland Metro Operahouse, but obtained no response whatsoever to our enquiries. What’s more, in the case of the venue, they have scrubbed-off all references to the concert from their site, without even leaving a note for unsuspecting attendants that the show was cancelled.

We did get in touch with Numbskull Productions who, through their owner, Eddy Burgos, explained that the only pressures they received were “some disparaging e-mails on social media.” In regards to the accusations against Marduk, they did add the following:

“Our show operation is primarily made up of Jewish, LGBQ , women and people of color. We have been working with Marduk and their camp for years. Based on our relationship we can attest that they most certainly do not subscribe to any Nazi ideology. “

The real question now is whether the police will investigate the people responsible for these threats. After all, if they thought that they were so serious that their protests could represent a threat to public safety, then this criminal behavior has to be tackled, and the parties responsible must be brought to justice.

Even if we accept that there were indeed serious safety reasons to cancel the event, this cancellation is still extremely worrying. It shows that there are people out there who have given themselves the power to violently control other people’s speech, and who have been empowered by the lackluster response that they have received for their crimes. After all, we cannot forget that this event is not happening in a vacuum, as it merely continues a trend of ANTIFA groups using violence in order to silence their opponents.

As the Oakland Police conceded in an email they sent to the venue and the producers (as confirmed to us by Numbskull Productions), their fears come as a result of what happened at the University of California-Berkeley, where ANTIFA groups rioted to oppose a talk by Milo Yiannopoulos. Regardless of what you may think of Yiannopoulos, his opinions, or his rhetoric, the fact remains that him and his supporters were the victims of a coward and illegitimate attack by a group of violent thugs.

Even if you disagree with Yiannopoulos, as I do in regards to many of his views and comments, you have to just marvel at the irony of ANTIFAs violently attacking a flamboyant homosexual of Jewish descent, calling him a Nazi, while shooting fireworks at the building where he is scheduled to give a talk, hurting his supporters, destroying the surrounding area, and chanting, for some reason, “this is what community looks like”.

I sure as hell hope I’m never part of that type community.

Some images have started circulating about some of the people involved in the attacks against Yiannopoulos and Marduk, gloating about what they managed to do thanks to issuing what at this point really amount to terroristic threats: Threatening their opponents with violence unless they all shut up.

Coming full circle, we can see that some of the people involved in the boycott of Disma at the California Deathfest, seem to have taken part in this illegitimate and idiotic attack against Marduk.

Name withheld, since this is an unverified screenshot. Also, that’s a quote by Marx, not Lenin. Read up on your heroes, kid.

It’s amazing to see how the self-appointed guardians of decency, quickly become violent inquisitors. Sadly, the irony is lost on them.

Now for the crazy stuff…

Of all the reactions that we got about our our takedown of the Marduk situation, the most incredible dealt with someone accusing of being some sort of racist puppet-masters, potentially controlling hordes of people in the United States.

A reader sent us a link to a now-hidden post published in the official Facebook Page of the book “What Are You Doing Here? Black Women in Heavy Metal,” where its author, Laina Dawes, throws a number of crazy accusations against us. Chief among them, that we fabricated the link between BLM Austin and the Marduk boycott as a way to create controversy and profit from the increased views on our site.

Although we’re used to crazy accusations when we write about topics that collide with politics, this is the first time we are accused of fabricating a story. We have to take it seriously, since the only asset that you have in journalism is your honesty. Just like we would never betray a source (as our work on the Blastfest boycott clearly showed), we are not in the business of making up stories or inflammatory headlines just to generate pageviews. It’s not only that it would be pointless, since we have opted not to carry ads on our site, but also that it goes against our most basic journalistic standards.

The fact is that BLM-Austin did actively participate in the boycott against Marduk, as they themselves created the Facebook event for this, and spread the lies about the band. In fact, the only reason why they ended up deleting the event was because we started asking them some questions about it. It is irrelevant whether they were the first to spread those lies, or whether they simply copied and pasted what someone else told them. The fact remains that they did spread that information, even publishing the contact details for all the people and companies involved.

Laina even suggests that we were harassing BLM-Austin by even asking them questions, or by closing our messages, after being ignored for hours, with the the comment “why do you ignore me? don’t matter?”. It’s not exactly high brow comedy, but it’s hardly a sign of harassment. We tried to contact Laina direcly about these accusations, but she deleted our comments on her page, and then blocked us when we contacted her directly, suggesting our questions were also harassment.

The reason why this issue is significant is because it shows, once again, why narrative is so important for some of these protesters or those who want to defend them. They are willing to just turn their backs on the facts, as long as they are able to stick to their guns and appear “consistent.”

The rest of the accusations thrown at us suggested that our article was racially-motivated, and that we were just some shady Europeans trying to “instigate a racialized confrontation” in Texas. Besides the insane idea that we would have any sort of pull to organize literally anyone to do anything, it is worrying to see that she defaults to an accusation of “racism.” Criticizing a move by the Austin chapter of Black Lives Matter is not a racially-motivated decision; it’s simply a response to a bad move on their part.

It is truly sickening to see that even though everything we wrote was fact-based, and without knowing anything about the racial or cultural makeup of our staff, someone honestly feels entitled to call us “racist instigators,” simply because we criticized her movement of choice.

Facts do not have a conservative bias, a liberal bias, or a racial bias. Deal with it.

Update: A reader, a member of a major European metal band, informed us that he received a message saying that as “a public figure” he should not share posts from our website. He didn’t care.
I guess we’re doing something right!

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7 years ago

Marduk is actually the third Black Metal band to be cancelled this week alone (!) due to Antifa hysterics. More info about the two other less-known cases in France and Netherlands here:

7 years ago
Reply to  Reconquista

Dude, why do you keep reposting the same thing 4 TIMES?

7 years ago
Reply to  J_MetalBlast

The lnik didn’t work before because of the parenthesis symbol

7 years ago
Reply to  Reconquista

aaah, ok. Thanks for the info! 🙂

Rico Sadao
Rico Sadao
7 years ago

All implicitly white music is an ‘insult’ to antifa scum.

7 years ago

Oakland, California is NOT a safe place. It is infested with black gangs and has very high rates of violent crime. Whoever arranges shows for Marduk really dropped the ball here. “it is difficult to know whether the police acted correctly or if they acted over-zealously at the behest of the ANTIFA provocateurs.” If anything, this was (and this is of course speculation, but not unfounded) done to protect the band, their fans, and the general public. These gangs are opportunistic, and they will take advantage of any excuse to engage in violent behavior. If ANTIFA groups are stirring up… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Grizzly

Thank you so much for your comment and for adding some context to the story. We really appreciate it.

7 years ago
Reply to  J_MetalBlast

You’re welcome and thank you! Its nice to have a metal site where the writer actually thinks seriously about what he writes instead of just farting out whatever comes to mind.

7 years ago
Reply to  J_MetalBlast

This just in: Milo appears to be on the edge of advocating for homosexual relationships between men and teenage boys. He doesn’t come straight out and say it, but it is a little too close for comfort.

7 years ago
Reply to  Grizzly

Well yes, it’s pretty disturbing. Maybe I’m wrong, but to me it looks like his own personal experience written all over it.

7 years ago
Reply to  nn
7 years ago
Reply to  nn

His 2nd statement basically sounds like what Lena Dunham said when she was criticized for the episode with her sister. First saying “oh, this is just about politics, whatever,” and then, after people do tell her she fucked up, making a more groveling apology.
In any case, Milo having shit opinions and ideas isn’t really something new to me. I’d dare say that his jump to more established media, with those comments, is now dead.

7 years ago
Reply to  J_MetalBlast

It’s a bit strange. Compare his 2015 article:

It’s pretty different of what he said in compromising podcast.

The Wolf
The Wolf
7 years ago
Reply to  nn

Seems nn mistook a “centrist” and non-biased site for a right wing safe space, which unfortunately seems to happen whenever a centrist or moderate critiques the far left. All of sudden some weirdos show up asking if we want to join their red pill cult.

7 years ago
Reply to  The Wolf

Just two months to come up with an answer? Not bad.

Butt Face
Butt Face
6 years ago
Reply to  The Wolf

Nope. He’s not far right or far left. He’s someone who saw his country invaded and witnessed genocide and fought against all that. He’s seen shit we can only imagine. Any apparent far-right views stem from experiencing that extremism.

The discussion between J and him wasn’t the best in the world on both sides but it’s what it is. Both make good points, both make errors.

Yes, I know. This post is four months late. 😉

7 years ago
Reply to  J_MetalBlast
7 years ago
Reply to  nn

What a remarkably pathetic little man.

7 years ago
Reply to  J_MetalBlast

“What a remarkably pathetic little man.”

But he is very right when he talks about fredom of speech in America and few other topics. Btw, if Milo is left-wing and if you said this anywhere close to “liberal” media, I guess you know what would happen to you? They would defend him no matter what, and you’d be labeled homophobic bigot.

7 years ago
Reply to  nn

I completely agree with you in regards to the hypocrisy of the left. Even worse than that, they are attacking him for his COMMENTS, while they defended Lena Dunham’s boasts about her ACTIONS. There is no question about it. Hell, a video of George Takei was recently unearthed where he makes similar comments in regards to his own experience as a 13 year old with an adult camp counselor. It would be good to know if the left will also eat him. There are many things that he says with which I disagree, and about which he downright lies, but… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  J_MetalBlast

Well okay, you probably know him alot better than me following American media for just a few months, since presidental election. I don’t take Milo too serious, he admits he is a troll, an entertainer, a big mouth clown; but being conservative homosexual automatically puts him into problematic position where left-wing establishment hate him beyond belief, and right-wing elite are equally suspicious. That compromising footage is like one year old and it suddenly emerges right before he was to give that CPAC speech? Right-wing dismissed him so fast, in a split second. Yeah that shit Milo said was really disturbing,… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  nn

Why would you expect people like Hekma and Sandfort to be thrown in jail? They have to right to say crazy shit, that’s the whole point of freedom of speech. IN any case, since you’re making a specific claim, regarding that they advocate lowering it to 6 years of age, you’re going to have to provide a link for that. To be honest, it’s irrelevant how the tape came up. He did make those comments. He’s just a shitty person that managed to exploit uninformed useful idiots. EDIT: As for him being a troll… well, he says bad shit to… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  J_MetalBlast

Theo Sandfort was notorious for his ties with NAMBLA and writting for Dutch openly pedophile paper “Paidika”. No ned to prove it, just google it. Gert Hekma openly advocated it in an interview 2013 for Croatian site T-portal: But after shitload of negative reactions reference about sex with children was edited and site issued an apology: I ran later through Google translate for you to get the basic context: “On this occasion tportal published an interview with Gert Hekma, in which he talked about the relationship between the left and the LGBT movement, but also about his controversial… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  nn

I don’t get the snarky closing of your message, considering I’m the one who said they have the right to say those things, while you’re the one who wants to send them in prison for saying them. Anyway, once again, you made a claim regarding 6 years of age. If you say it’s definitely out there on google, but the best you could come up with was a Croatian article that doesn’t actually have the interview there, that hardly proves your point. You made a specific claim (i.e. these two characters advocate for an age of consent of 6 years… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  J_MetalBlast

“Snarky closing” was just a small joke attempt. If you don’t want to spend few minutes googling these 2 pedophile fucktards, that’s your choice. Why they should go to jail? Because they propagate, induce and justify criminal acts of having sex with small children. How does this relate to Milo? He is crucified for one stupid statement, talking from his own sad perspective about the age of consent to be 13, and that is his problem, okay. But these two Sadfort and Hekma are still “honorable” professors, untouched, freely continuing to do what they do for decades. American left? As… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  nn

Kid, you are the one mentioning these people. If you say it’s so easy to find that they want to lower the age of consent to 6 years of age (they might, I don’t know), then please do post that easily-found factoid. They shouldn’t go to jail for having a stupid, disgusting idea. The fact that you want to send them to jail shows you don’t believe in freedom of expression, you just like it for the people who you agree with. Nobody is sending Milo to jail. A book publisher decided that they didn’t want to carry his book,… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  J_MetalBlast

Kid? I’m probably older than you, but whatever. You should know the difference between having ideas and inducing crime.

No, your left are not all neostalinists. Just the ones in media, in colleges and in power for last 8 years.

7 years ago
Reply to  nn

1. Kid, come on, don’t dodge the question. Where are your links? 2. “Difference between having ideas and inducing crime.” Yes, there is a difference. It’s known as the “fighting words” test. Saying that you believe the age of consent should be lowered doesn’t fit within that test. It’s a free speech issue. Milo, like those people you mentioned, are clearly pretty shitty. That’s not enough reason to punish their idiotic speech. 3. The last 8 years? You mean Obama? And you mean the people in the press? You’re calling Obama and MSNBC Neo-Stalinist? LOL, ok. Sure, fuck it, if… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  J_MetalBlast

Meh. You are waste of time.

7 years ago
Reply to  nn

You sure showed me, kid.

7 years ago
Reply to  J_MetalBlast

Yeah I saw this prob before in comments section here. Writing about politics you are uncomparable better than Metalsucks “liberal” morons; your articles tend to be serious and well-argumented. But your discussion skills in comments section are often weak. You are lazy and tend to repeat mistakes Metalsuckers do in nearly every politically charged article; for instance, projecting cliches and retorting with infantile “insults” without any reason. Both Sandfort and Hekma (and some of their peers) are world wide notorious pedophilia advocates; freedom of speech isn’t unlimited; neostalinism is *not* about sending people to Gulag anymore. But an clever, modern… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  nn

Asking you to source a statement isn’t that complex. In fact, if finding it was as easy as you said it was, you would have found it several times over in the time you used to write that diatribe there. And yes, freedom of speech is virtually unlimited. There is the fighting words exception, of course, but none of the things you mentioned actually fit within it. As for neo-Stalinist, you seem to be using a term that you yourself coined, with a definition that you yourself came up with. If Neo-Stalinist involves basically none of the things that Stalin… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  J_MetalBlast

Freedom of speech unlimited? For someone claiming to practice law, you know very little about it. And how did you figure neostalinists do “basically none of the things Stalin did”? As everybody can see, I stated quite the opposite – only difference is no dead bodies, so far.

7 years ago
Reply to  nn

I don’t “claim” to practice law but, sure, OK. Again, there is the “fighting words” exception, but that’s pretty much it (there are some individual exceptions, like broadcasting child pornography, but they don’t extend to opinions). Of course, other countries have bigger exceptions (Germany, for example, makes it illegal to deny genocides, to support nazism, etc.) but the US is the one we’re discussing at the moment. Even in those cases, however, I strongly disagree with those restrictions. You keep moving the goalpost, so I’m happy to just take you back to these issues. 1. Where are your sources for… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  J_MetalBlast

Going back to music? Clever move.

7 years ago
Reply to  nn

I know you’re desperately trying to get the last word there but you’re not really proving your point by not showing the evidence you so often claimed existed.
But, please, do go on.

Butt Face
Butt Face
6 years ago
Reply to  J_MetalBlast

Six months on. Difficult to find stuff but these may be useful. I didn’t look into the papers cited as I find the whole thing very disturbing, so I’m not sure if it has anything relating to the accusations in them, although the title of the second paper below seems to be self-explanatory. Bauserman, R. (1991). Objectivity and ideology: Criticism of Theo Sandfort’s research on man-boy sexual relations. Journal of Homosexuality, 20(1/2), 297-312. Sandfort, T. (1983). Pedophile relationships in the Netherlands: Alternative lifestyle for children? Alternative Lifestyles, 5(3), 164-183. Sandfort, T. G. M. (1984). Sex in pedophiliac relationships: An empirical… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Grizzly

Why did any of these mouthbreathers think their hot take on consent was needed?
Then they go into the whole “well, it’s NOT pedophilia, it’s hephebophilia” , which is just a distinction without a difference, at least in the eyes of the law.
As I mentioned in the article, I dislike many things about Milo, and this video just added one more to that list. It doesn’t change the fact that the attack against him was illegitimate, of course.

7 years ago
Reply to  Grizzly

@Grizzly “Oakland, California is NOT a safe place. It is infested with black gangs and has very high rates of violent crime. Whoever arranges shows for Marduk really dropped the ball here.” First off, have you been to the Oakland Metro Opera House? Its pretty much in a industrial zone (it itself is basically an old warehouse) along the water front. So while it is in Scary Oakland, its not really. Second, I don’t know where you live, but in US and especially California, business usually don’t rent out halls/venues to Punk/Metal Promoters, so those Promoters rely on places that… Read more »

7 years ago

“Facts do not have a conservative bias, a liberal bias, or a racial bias. Deal with it.” But that’s the core of their problem: they can’t deal with it. They choose to live parallel reality in which anything different from their narrative is automatically fascist, racist, homophobic, misogynic… and so on. Hell, the very labeling of themselves as “antifascist” living in USA over 70 yrs after WW2 is indicative. Because if you think about it, it’s basically just another attempt to win and end any possible discussion before it even started: if you disagree with antifascists, you are fascist. End… Read more »

Maciej Nowak
Maciej Nowak
7 years ago
Reply to  nn

Antifa aren’t sophisticated enough to have any valid arguments. It much easier to yell, break windows and attack garbage cans.

7 years ago

These ANTIFA vermin are accomplishing nothing but the delegitimisation of the progressive cause, which is pussing me off. As I said, earlier: they don’t care if they’re actually correct, as long as they feel correct.

7 years ago
Reply to  GoatForest

Now you probably understand how I feel when confronted with shit some of my fellow Catholics say or do… 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  nn

Of course.

Paula A. Ramirez
Paula A. Ramirez
7 years ago

The person behind of Marduk cancel is [NAME REMOVED]. Stop hiding her name.

7 years ago

The only evidence for that is the screenshot we posted. Nothing on that screenshot (which is unverified) says she is the one “behind of Marduk cancel.” It says she’s happy that it happened, not that she organized it. Is it possible? Sure, but we don’t run on possibilities, we run on evidence.
If you have any credible evidence, you are free to show it, but we cannot blame someone without having all the facts.

7 years ago
Reply to  J_MetalBlast

That automatically gives you more integrity than the folks who got the show cancelled.

7 years ago
Reply to  J_MetalBlast

I was one of the people who took one of the screenshots floating around simply by searching her name on Facebook. I can verify that it was real before she got scared and locked down her profile.

Marcos Garcia
Marcos Garcia
7 years ago

I’m following everything from Brazil about this question.
That’s the reason I hate to the very depths of my soul antifas and political correctness: they steal our freedom of speech and of thinking with our own minds.
Dear J Salmeron, count me on!

Maciej Nowak
Maciej Nowak
7 years ago
Reply to  Marcos Garcia

Do you have those idiots over in Brazil?

Uplan Uplanoso Uplanado®
Uplan Uplanoso Uplanado®
7 years ago
Reply to  Maciej Nowak

The entire lefty here is funded in “muh human rights” and “muh gun control” so they can’t chimp out like that.

Marcos Garcia
6 years ago
Reply to  Maciej Nowak

Sorry for taking too long to answer.
Yes, we have some idiots, but they’re in low number by now, so they only cry, not make any action…

7 years ago

I thought your original article was great and I think it is disgusting how antifa fabricated a bunch of nonsense regarding Marduk and trying to make Incantation look like Nazis because of the Craig Pillard association ages ago (which has nothing to do with anything anyway). One thing anybody can say with certainty is that Marduk and Incantation are not Nazi bands. However, in this case, would it matter if Marduk were a Nazi band or if one or multiple members had some sort of Nazi belief? If a venue wants to book a band voluntarily and fans want to… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Hagen

Thank you for your interest and for your very kind words.
I have actually written about this issue before, i.e. policing the thoughts of people whose music does not necessarily reflect it, particularly if there are people willing to listen to it

Maciej Nowak
Maciej Nowak
7 years ago

Marduk should stick with South America. No Antifa idiots over there.

Uplan Uplanoso Uplanado®
Uplan Uplanoso Uplanado®
7 years ago

What a bunch of pucis, has no more spooky metalhead as the old ones.

Butt Face
Butt Face
7 years ago

Thanks J for another intelligent and well written piece. Good to know there are rational and erudite people still roaming the planet.

…now I must get back to Metalsucks to troll their less than rational diatribe.

7 years ago

Everyone should know that ANTIFA like every other post modernist marxist do not believe in facts or truth. The very foundational pillar of post modernist intersectional cultural marxism is the view that facts/truth is itself a tool of “oppression”. This is why ANTIFA, Blac Bloc and every other marxist drone always lie, cheat, play the victim, use violence and threats of violence, etc to push their agenda/narratives, etc. It is even why they deny science and scientific facts when those facts are overriding their ideological political narrative. So don’t expect any fairness or honesty from these ideological cult worshipers. You… Read more »

Michael Bard
Michael Bard
5 years ago

It truly amazes me that these people get away with it…. I mean hell… I could not even imagine what would happen to them if they tried to stop a Pantera or Slayer gig back in the day.. it would end with them never wanting to leave their house again (those that survived) …